Fun Stuff, Yay!!
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Website Design and Development Birmingham, West Midlands

From the creators of


Andy-land online games accumulated from a wide variety of different sources. Check them out below:

Uber Birmingham Tricking Gathering 2009
A video from the second gym session of the Trick Soc Birmingham Gathering June 2009.I hosted this gathering from 19th - 24th June 2009. Hosted at the trick-soc gym.

Derby Gathering - Andrew Ward
09:55PM 15-Oct-2010

I found this sampler on my pc and had completely forgotten that I had ever made it. It is a sampler made from footage of me from a derby tricking gathering that I hosted around April 2008.

It was filmed and edited in HD so it should look super crisp when viewed in High Quality on youtube.

Andy Ward October 2006 Tricking
An old sampler of me tricking in 2006. Mostly filmed at damien walters gym in derby.

Andy Ward Summer 2007 Sampler
09:50PM 15-Oct-2010

A video of me (Andy Ward) tricking in the summer of 2007. Check it out.

Andy and Mickey Tricking April 2006
Michael Morris and Andrew Ward tricking in Daventry in April 2006. Old sampler, good memories

My first sampler from 2004
09:44PM 15-Oct-2010

An absolute ancient video of me tricking in 2004.

Hadyn Wiseman MA tricking 2010
01:43PM 13-Oct-2010

Haydns tricking sampler! He has been tricking for 5 years now. Just before summer 2009 he had injuries preventing him from making a sampler in 2009. This is his tricking progress since then.

Bungi Ball - Me and Adam
08:56AM 13-Oct-2010

Me and Adam on a bungi ball. This must have been filmed around 2004-5

Jumping Really High
08:53AM 13-Oct-2010

Classic video of me on my trampoline, in the air for a whole 20 seconds before I landed again.

Tricking Bails Sampler April 2005
from 2005 I think. May be 06 or 07